The Model Ultra FL800 is an advanced multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) flame detector based on the Artificial Intelligence Recognition Technology. The Ultra FL800 is provided with wider field of view and further detection range because of a multi-spectrum infrared sensor array with a sophisticated BP Neural Network Technology system.
The Ultra FL800 can see typical fires such as those produced by alcohol, heptane, gasoline, jet fuels and hydrocarbons. In addition, it can also detect and identify non-flame signals, for example arc-welding, hot objects, sunlight and moonlight. The Ultra FL800 is designed to only alarm for the conditions that caused by real flame signal, and highly immune to false alarms for non-flame signals.
The Ultra FL800’s electronics are housed in a stainless steel explosion-proof enclosure. The detector is available with the following output configurations:
• 4-20mA stepped output
• Dual RS485 communications
• HART communication
• Warning, alarm and fault relays
• Multi-Spectrum IR (MSIR) Sensor Array
• BP Neural Network Technology (NNT)
• Continuous Optical Path Scanning (COPS)
• Redundant Communication Outputs
• Event Logging
• Test Mode
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